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What is a Web Blog?

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What is a Blog?

A blog, the abbreviation for web blog is a website maintained by just one person or a collective blog where are 2 ore more bloggers(webmasters who posts articles in the blog).The blog is update constant with new articles and regular commentaries, reviews and descriptions about something.

Most Blogs provide news, images and videos about a particular subject(eg:Iphone) or others use the blog just to write online like in a diary.

Blog Types

- Personal blogs
- News Blogs
- SEO Blogs

other types.

1. Personal Blogs

The personal blogs are blogs where someone share things, photos videos and news about himself and his life with others like in a diary, but a diary online where anyone can read about you.In a personal blog you can post everything you want because this type of blog doesn't write about one single subject.

2. News Blogs

News blogs are blogs where usually big TV Programs or Magazines are writing news like BBC or CNN or other.In this blog people are writing about news and nothing else.

3. SEO Blogs

In a SEO blog you will find content about how to optimize your website for the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and how to write a good content that helps you to improve your position in the Search Engines to bring more traffic and sell more products.

And than are other blogs, blogs that can include what content you like.You post about something you love to do or you think you are the best in that area.

What is a blog community?

The blog communities are subculture where users are sharing impressions, images and ideas about a subject that exists in that blog or in that group.

Can I have a blog?

Yes you can have a blog and its free and more...you can start posting in just 3 minutes using the Blogger platform or Wordpress.com, the best blog platforms used by the most of the world bloggers.

Learn More about how to start a blog...

What a blog can do?

If you post every day articles to your blog you will have a constant blog and you will receive users from all over the world and if you know how to monetize you blog you will earn a great revenue monthly with no extra effort.

If is a personal web blog you can share everything with your friends and create a great community where people should share informations and ideas about a subject you wish and make a great big team.

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Gadged said...
September 26, 2009 at 8:24 PM  

and blog make our so more smart

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